Free Wheel

FreeWheel gives you mobility, independence, freedom. Whether you have a rigid frame or a FOLDING wheelchair, the FreeWheel is your ticket to Freedom, Independence, and increased Mobility.

Whether you have a rigid frame or a folding wheelchair, the FreeWheel is your ticket to safely and quickly roll over any type of terrain, Curbs. dirt trails, grass, gravel, snow and sand are no longer an obstacle. With the FreeWheel your wheelchair casters are lifted off the ground turning you into a 3-wheel, all-terrain chair. With the FreeWheel your wheelchair casters are lifted off the ground, turning your chair into a 3-wheeler, so you simply roll over any obstacle: curbs, dirt trails, grass, gravel, snow, and sand. No more wasting energy and slowing down to pop a wheelie.

The Free Wheel makes it easier to wheel yourself and makes you feel more secure when someone is pushing you. No more staring at the ground watching for obstacles, or wasting energy popping a wheelie at every rough spot. With the FreeWheel you roll with ease The Free Wheel comes with all you need to set it up on your chair. The initial installation takes approximately 15 minutes, after that the FreeWheel clamps on in seconds.


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