Prescription only

Dreamline Splash Commode Backrests

Splash Commode Back Supports enable the prescriber to replicate the set-up from the Dreamline Seating into the commode

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Extended Support for Safety
Designed to replicate wheelchair support, ensuring users have consistent safety and stability when spending extended periods in a commode or shower chair.
Asymmetrical Body Shape Adaptability
Compatible with External Supports
Bubble Contour Technology

Splash Contour Backrest

The Splash Contour Backrest mimics the Dreamline Contour backrest and includes an inbuilt lower deep lateral support to help position both the hips and the lower thoracic region whilst giving more clearance in the upper thoracic / scapular region of the trunk. Splash Contour backrests feature the same unique bubble contour technology as Dreamline backrests which reduces foam tension combined with a soft Sunmate Viscoelastic foam overlay assisting with increased immersion and pressure redistribution.

Splash Support Backrest

The Splash Support Backrest mimics the Dreamline Support Backrest and has been designed specifically for the less active user requiring complex external supports. The backrest foam inner is slim to maximise seat depth. The backrest is designed for easy attachment of external swing-away laterals, headrests, harnesses etc. Dreamline Support backrests feature the unique bubble contour technology which reduces foam tension combined with a soft Sunmate Viscoelastic foam overlay assisting with increased immersion and pressure redistribution.

Splash S3 Backrest

The Splash S3 Backrest mimics the Dreamline S3 Backrest and has been designed specifically for the less active user requiring complex external supports. The backrest foam inner is 3” thick and soft with cross-cut profile to increase immersion. Typical clients who find this backrest comfortable and supportive are users with Multiple Sclerosis, aged care etc. The backrest is designed for easy attachment of external swing-away laterals, headrests, harnesses etc.