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The Camel Lifting Chair is an emergency lifting device designed to lift a person from the floor with the help of one person.
Mangar Elk
The Mangar ELK Lifiting Cushion is a compact, battery powered lifting device.
The 3004 Series Change Table is a single tower paediatric change table designed for users under 90kg.
Waverly Glen P300
The Waverly Glen P300 is a portable and affordable ceiling hoist that has a safe working load of 136kgs.
Waverly Glen C300
The Waverly Glen C300 is the perfect ceiling hoist for use in the home with it’s detachable, quick connection system that allows it to
The ETAC Molift Nomad is a flexible and user-friendly portable ceiling hoist with an innovative design for optimal safety.
CHS K880
The CHS K880 ceiling hoist is a cost effective choice that automatically recharges when the hoist is lowered.
CHS K440
The CHS K440 ceiling hoist is a cost-effective choice that automatically recharges when the hoist is lowered.
Waverly Glen C1000
The Waverly Glen C1000 is the strongest ceiling hoist in it’s class with a lifting capacity of up to 454kg.
Waverly Glen C800
The Waverly Glen C800 is one of the strongest bariatric ceiling hoists with the power to lift up to 364kg.
Waverly Glen C625
The Waverly Glen C625 is a compact but powerful ceiling hoist that can lift up to 283kg, providing great flexibility in the type of
Waverly Glen C450
The Waverly Glen C450 ceiling hoist provides a smooth and effortless transfer that safely improves the working conditions of carers.

Live Life.

We believe that Active Rehab is a life-enabler. We help you to to live the life you want to live. This is our purpose, or reason for being. We are not just here to sell equipment, we are here to help you live your life.

“So happy with the service and support received from Kelvin and the team at Active Rehab! My son has the best chance of achieving all his goals now!”Jess Eastaugh – Parent

“Charlie is very excited to have her wheelchair. Thanks Active!”Charlie’s Mum

“I would recommend Active Rehab to anyone because of customer service, and products, that makes our son comfortable and secure.”Kara – Parent

Active Rehab have been WONDERFUL! Right from Kelvin helping with the trial, to Malcolm’s help with the final fit.Claire, Melbourne Victoria

“Harry was so excited to receive his little wave today. Zooming everywhere and cornering like a pro! Thanks Team!❤”Katie Bertram, Parent, Stawell

Attending a Zoom meeting for an equipment trial with Darryl. It worked super well using the tablet and phone with myself on the other end. The way I was shown around the equipment was great, felt like I was there. Thank you…Laura Kinnersly, Occupational therapist